Ministry Statement
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Ministry Statement
1. Identity
"Committed to historic Reformed faith and practice, we are a local and regional congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is a branch of the universal Church of Jesus Christ."
2. Mission
"Our mission as a congregation is to glorify God through biblical worship, discipleship, and evangelism at home and abroad."
3. Vision
"By principle and providence, we think the Lord calls us to be:
a model Reformed church in the PCA;
a leader in Word-centered, traditional worship;
a fount of excellent Christian education and application;
a safe, friendly place for people of all ages;
a fellowship growing locally and regionally."
4. Goals
"To reach this vision, we commit ourselves to the following:
Faithfully protecting the faith, life, and future of the congregation through a strong Session, committed to guarding the Reformed doctrine and practice in this church;
Faithfully pursuing the Word read, preached, sung, prayed, and seen each Lord's Day morning and evening;
Faithfully exercising Christ-given teaching gifts to educate ourselves, our children, the ministry, and the world biblically and theologically through Sunday School, Bible studies, children's choirs, the classroom, and the web;
Faithfully shepherding children, families, singles, and seniors, through pastoral care, child protection, and spiritual counsel;
Faithfully providing a God-honoring, visible, and conveniently-located facility not just for ourselves but also for the others the Lord will add for the generation to come."
Adopted by the Session of
Covenant Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge, TN
March 9, 2006